Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rhodes Family February 2009 Update

Dear Family and Friends,

We have been in Chico for a month now and we love it. It is so beautiful here! We have been getting out and about and making a lot of great contacts.

Jeremy spends most of his time out in coffee shops striking up conversations and getting to know people in the community. He has made a lot of very interesting contacts and beginning to develop some good relationships. He has also gotten involved in the Pastors network here in Chico and met some great men who are very supportive of what we want to do here.

As a family we have been getting together with a few other families that we have come in to contact with during this process. We have been invited into their homes and they have been very welcoming to us. We have had a chance to meet all of our neighbors. It is so nice to know whom you are living next to.

Elizabeth and the kids have been going to storytime at the library and are looking to join a Moms group here pretty soon. Elizabeth has already met some other moms at the library and hoping to meet more people with kids the same ages as ours there. As soon as the weather clears we also plan to get out and explore the parks here.

We are planning on starting our in home Bible Study the first Thursday in March. Please pray that God will bring the right people to the study and that it will be fruitful. We also ask that you pray that God builds His church here. We are merely the vessels and we know that He will work in amazing ways.

Again we thank you all for being a part of this journey with us. There are still some of you who haven’t sent in your commitments yet and we please ask that you begin doing so now. We cannot do this without your faithful support. And as always, if you have not yet committed to support us and would like to you may do so at If you have already pledged support to us and would like to sign up for automated debits you may also do so at We encourage you to do this so that you don’t have to have the pressure of remembering to send a check every month.

We will keep you posted on what is going on up here. We always welcome visitors so let us know if you would like to come up for a visit. For more frequent updates and Jeremy’s thoughts you can check out our blog, listed below. God bless you!

Jeremy and Elizabeth Rhodes