Monday, March 30, 2009

a big study and yummy brownies

Elizabeth made these awesome peppermint brownies! I can't stop thinking about them.

We had our Bible study explode this last Thursday. We had eight including Elizabeth and four new folks. It was a huge blessings to have those great people in our home. The strange thing was that it is all college students from CSU Chico. I haven't done any outreach on campus but they are showing up on Thursday nights. The students we knew when we moved here have come to bible study and brought friends.
This obviously left me depressed. We are not trying to reach college students, but they keep coming. You know it is interesting... the picture in your head never matches what God actually does in your life. I thought that we would have people our age and older showing up and it is the youngsters that God is calling to his church. God and I had a conversation about this and we have decided to let him build his church and well I just need to be faithful. Praise God for the opportunity to serve him.


Joel and Leslie said...

awesome! I always wondered how long it would be before you started attracting college students. Can't wait to hear more Wednesday.