Sunday, August 30, 2009

concerning the Caesar and the Pax Romana

I found myself watching a program on PBS, suffering through the pledge breaks, called Handel's Messiah Rocks. I know that is the worst title but it was a great rendition of the classic piece. Actually listening to the words I sat on the couch with my wife and was struck by some lyrics encasing a concept I had never considered. They were asking which President or King has God ever chosen to save the world... the point being the supremacy of Jesus.
Caesars had a bad habit of claiming divinity and ruling through that right. Claiming themselves to be the Son of God, through which they oppressed people and committed atrocities. They also enforced the Pax Romana which was peace throughout the empire. Those who resisted their idea of peace was executed through military action. Actually throughout history most rulers claimed divinity Caesar was not the first or the last.
As I contemplated the thoughts in my head I was driven to this idea. Jesus was the only one God called the Son of God and He was the only one to bring peace.
We live in a time when people are looking for a leader to guide them to peace and security. Not an outright rejection of God but a "God and" situation. Like Israel clambering for a king so many centuries ago. The problem remains that entrance into the Kingdom of God requires a rejection of everything else. It offers faith, hope and love at the sacrifice of wealth, security and comfort. Jesus offers peace in his Kingdom but a peace that is foreign to us. A peace that requires a surrender of pride and an offer of humility.
Caesar was not divine... the Pax Romana never brought peace.
No ruler is divine and no package can bring peace.

Jesus was the only true Son of God who was crucified and rose from the dead three days later. Which is the number one qualification to bring peace.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 2009 Rhodes Family Church Planting Update

Dear Family and Friends,

As the year flies by things seem to be moving forward at a steady pace. On September 6th we will have our first preview gathering. We have found a location called the Chico Grange Hall that has everything we need. Jeremy worked very hard to find this place and we praise God that we are finally able to plan and get the word out for the meetings. We will have one meeting a month through the end of the year and then look at launching a service to meet every Sunday.

We have been blessed with a Video Projection Unit to use during our meetings, given to us by New Harbor Community Church. There are also some other things that we need as well and we are asking for some help from all of you. If you are able to provide any of the following or donate to allow us to purchase the following we would greatly appreciate it. We need a light bulb for the VPU (mentioned above), a lapel microphone, and some café tables. Please pray that we will get these things in time for our first meeting. Our biggest need at this point is the light bulb. We also ask that you would pray for the meetings to be successful and that we can begin the building of our core group through this.

We are very excited about what God is doing here. We know he has big plans and we can’t wait to see what is going to happen. We have met some great people and Jeremy continues to find more ways to serve in our community. He will be a mentor for students at high schools here in town and also be working with the staff at the local Christian high school as well.

Again we thank you all for your very faithful support! It is very encouraging and humbling knowing there are people praying for us. If you have not yet sent in your support for August please do so at this time. Don’t forget that you can also sign up for automatic debits at As you know December is getting closer as is our deadline for our next fundraising goal. Please pray that we will reach this goal. If you have not yet committed support to us and would still like to you may do so at anytime on the above listed website.

Jeremy and Elizabeth Rhodes

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

coming and getting here fast!